Preventing Linguicide in the Face of Genocide. Eastern European Jewish Landsmanshaftn as Keepers of di mame-loshn after the Shoah

Anne Christin Klotz

Anne-Christin Klotz is a historian and a postdoctoral researcher at the Martin Buber Society of Fellows at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem since 2022. Her research interests include the Holocaust in Eastern Europe, global Yiddish culture and Jewish mourning practices. Her book Together against Germany. Warsaw's Yiddish Press in the Struggle against National Socialism (1930-1941) (De Gruyter 2022) has received several international awards and was one of the finalists for the Yad Vashem Book Prize 2023. She is currently working on a study of Eastern European Jewish survivor landsmanshaftn as a means of migrant self-help and together with Jasmin Spiegel on an interdisciplinary interview project which documents antisemitism from a Jewish perspective in Germany since October 07, 2023.

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