Holocaust Memory Without a Final “Nun”: The Soviet Perspective

Alexandra Polyan and Anika Walke

“Di tsores zenen geven af yidish: Dovid Bergelson Imagines his Postwar Audience” by Alexandra Polyan

“Untern fridlekhn himl: Hirsh Reles Chronicles Jewish Life After the Holocaust in Belarus” by Anika Walke

Alexandra Polyan is a postdoctoral researcher at University of Regensburg, specializing in the field of Soviet Yiddish Literature. Her recent publications include Dovid Bergelson. Die Welt möge Zeuge sein (Suhrkamp, 2023, with Sabine Koller), and forthcoming is “Khurbn-Plays with No Nazis in Them: Sh. Y. Harendorf and Perets Markish on the King of Lampedusa,” in: M. Schulz, A. Walther (eds.) Hidden in Plain Sight—Yiddish in the Socialist Bloc and its Transnationality, 1941-1991. De Gruyter, 2024. P. 91-114.

Anika Walke is Associate Professor in the Department of History at Washington University in St. Louis and Senior Fellow of the European Union at Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS), University of Freiburg, Germany. Her publications include Pioneers and Partisans: An Oral History of Nazi Genocide in Belorussia (Oxford University Press, 2015; Paperback 2018) and forthcoming is “Bodies in the Ground: Holocaust Mass Graves in Eastern Europe as Jewish Presence,” POLIN Vol. 38, Special Issue: “Gender and Body in East European Jewish History” (forthcoming 2025).

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